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Telephone: +30 2108676490

  • 1 Γλωσσικές Υπηρεσίες - Linguistic Services

    Β&Β provides a wide range of linguistic and translation services that can be delivered independently or in combination. Services provided by Β&Β are governed by a system of quality management that guarantees high quality results and they can be totally adapted to our clients' special requirements.
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  • 2 Ιατρική Πληροφορική - Medical Informatics

    Το B-Health είναι ένα Ολοκληρωμένο Πληροφοριακό Σύστημα που καλύπτει απόλυτα τις μηχανογραφικές ανάγκες μιας σύγχρονης μονάδας παροχής υπηρεσιών υγείας. Σεβόμενο την οικονομία χρόνου, παρέχει υψηλό επίπεδο υπηρεσιών σε ασθενείς και ιατρούς, ενημερώνοντας παράλληλα τη διοίκηση με κάθε λεπτομέρεια.
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  • 3 Το "B-Health" προσφέρει

    Καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση των ασθενών, Παραγωγικότερη εργασία, Μείωση του κόστους λειτουργίας, Άριστη εικόνα της επιχείρησης, Επεκτασιμότητα, Συμβατότητα με όλες τους τύπους Μονάδων Υγείας, Αρμονία με τους νόμους, Αξιόπιστο, Γρήγορο, Ασφαλές, Ευέλικτο, Ηλεκτρονική διασύνδεση με τις κρατικές αρχές
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  • 4 Πρόσθετες δυνατότητες του "B-Health"

    Φορητά τερματικά με αναγνώστη Barcode, Web Interface για απομακρυσμένη χρήση, Λειτουργία μέσω Tablet για χρήση κόντα στον ασθενή, Mobile έκδοση για λειτουργία ειδικών εφαρμογών και ενημερώσεων
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  • 5 Fields of expertise in Linguistic Services

    Technology, Consumer Electronics, Manufacturing and engineering, Finance, Health care and Life Sciences, Business Services, Retail and Commerce, Science, Travel, Tourism, Recreation and Arts
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Translation review
Translation review service offers translation evaluation to Customers who wish to ensure that translated texts are linguistically correct, meaningful and suitable for the Greek market. Experienced reviewers are performing the review focusing on following aspects:

  1. Review of the accuracy of the translated text in order to ensure that translation renders exactly the same meaning in Greek as the original text
  2. Conformity with grammatical and syntax rules of the Greek language
  3. Compliance with Customer's approved terminology and style conventions
  4. Compliance with established terminology in the Greek market
  5. Respect of the national standards (currency, date and time formats, etc.) and the geopolitically sensitive issues
  6. Vertification of the style and tone of the translated text to be appropriate for the target audience

Translation verification
In order to verify translations, functional and/or semantic controls are performed in a way that accuracy, accessibility and comprehensiveness of information and elements are assured, when translation reaches the final reader. Check is performed by professionals of the branch, to which translation is addressed.

During verification, it is ensured that final text describes the correct function of the object handled and that modules described are appropriate to the object, as used in Greece, as well as that they form part of it. Text's terminology is also checked to match the commercial and/or scientific terminology used in the branch.

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Contact Details


Business and Bytes Informatics Ltd
Patision 294b, 11255 Athens, Greece
Telephone: +30 210 8676490
Fax: +30 210 8676492
E-mail: info at bandb.gr


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